Ready, Set, Go? An Administrative Approach to Supporting Multimodal Tutoring Online (2023)


multimodal support, tutor preparation and training, access and accessibility


This workshop is for participants preparing new or evaluating current multimodal services. While some resources assume that writing centers are already well-equipped for multimodal work, we recognize the many considerations when offering multimodal tutoring in online or hybrid settings, including reliable technology, inclusive and accessible modalities, and tutor training. Drawing on existing scholarship (Cheatle, 2020; McGinnis & Gray, 2020; Cecil-Lemkin & Johnson, 2021) and our own experiences as administrators, we will guide participants in reflecting on their multimodal readiness at the center, tutor, and session level, and provide a framework for determining where we all might better prepare for multimodal work.

Presentation Materials:


Citation Information:

Type of Source: Conference Presentation

Presenters: Julie Johnson Archer, Bethany Bibb, Allie Johnston

Year of Presentation: 2023

Title of Presentation: Ready, Set, Go? An Administrative Approach to Supporting Multimodal Tutoring Online

Conference: Online Writing Centers Association (OWCA)

Location of Conference: Virtual