Looking Gorgias: Coming to Be in the Online Writing Center (2013)


synchronous, video chat, Skype, Google Docs, sophistry, accessibility, online education, staff anxiety, human connection, pedagogy, space

First Paragraph

Perhaps it’s because I’m reading for my preliminary exams, but I’ve been thinking a lot about the sophists lately. The sophists are enticing figures from the classical world who made their livings and reputations by traveling through the city states teaching oratory and other subjects for a fee. The accessibility of their teachings, among other things, raised some hackles amongst the more elite philosophers of the day. When I first started thinking about sophistry, I had trouble understanding the vehemently low regard in which their contemporaries held the sophists. In trying to wrap my brain around the sophistic reputation, I found myself looking for the sophists’ contemporary parallel and in so doing, I recalled my own consternation regarding the ever-expanding field of online education.

Citation Information

Type of Scholarship: Blog

Author: Anne Wheeler

Year of Publication: 2013

Title:Looking Gorgias: Coming to Be in the Online Writing Center

Blog: Another Word